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Niki Skyler on Reality Kings

Niki Skyler on Reality Kings
Niki Skyler is on Reality Kings!

Niki Skyler on Reality Kings

Hi, this is Niki Skyler, Treat for February 2014. Thank you so much for choosing me as your Treat, I am shocked and honored! I started doing adult by doing web camming and really enjoyed being in front of the camera and then Twistys asked me to shoot for them and I was honored and jumped at the chance! I love the fans and for life, my ultimate goal is to always have a goal. A typical day with me is to get up and do some stretching, wake up, web cam, work out, more web cam and hang out with friends mostly. Qualities I look for in a man is honesty. For women I like a girl that is loyal. In a romantic partner I look for understandingness... is that even a word lol. A sexual partner better have nice sheets. Yours Truly, Niki Skyler
Date of Birth:
Birth Place:
United States
5' 4"

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