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Chad White on Reality Kings

Chad White on Reality Kings
Chad White is on Reality Kings!

Chad White on Reality Kings

There are a lot of reasons Chad White is so many women's favorite pornstar. For starters, there's his clean-cut good looks and natural charm, his muscular physique, and his famous pussy-eating skills. And of course, there's his huge cock, which has been described as the most perfect penis in the business! But most of all, it's Chad's ability to switch from sweet and romantic to dominant and rough on a dime. Chad enjoys kissing and slow, soft touching while he's getting hard, but confides that once he is, he wants to go "as fast and fucked-up as possible!" Chad's thirst for excitement doesn't only extend to sex: in his spare time, this adrenaline junkie loves pushing his limits with snowboarding, martial arts, and deep-sea diving. With Chad's innate love of being in charge, it's no wonder this stud even wants to get Mother Nature under his control! Since his porn debut in 2008, Chad has quickly become a household name, working with some of the best companies and biggest stars in the industry. He's always at the top of female pornstars' lists of guys they want to work with, as much for his professionalism and work ethic as his innate fucking ability!
Date of Birth:
Birth Place:
San Diego, California

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